3 Life-Changing Mindset Adjustments
You may be, at this very moment, trying to improve things and make changes for something good in your life, I wonder. But do you have any knowledge of when this change will happen?
If you’re still doing one of these 3 things I mention below, change may never come because you may simply be stuck in a passive mindset status. A passive and lying mindset.
Over this short article, I’ll teach you 3 life-changing killer mindset adjustments so you can effectively improve your life as a whole.
The first mindset shift you’ve got to make is actually a word you must get rid from your vocabulary. That’s the word “try”.
Every time you “try” to do something, your brain interprets that as something that just won’t happen, something that simply isn’t true. You’re starting a process of self sabotage, harming the results you desire to achieve.
So, from now on “trying” is excluded from your existing mindset.
The second word you’ll have to replace in your mindset is “need”.
When you say you “need” to do something, you’re making a passive command that won’t be fulfilled. It’s nothing but a wish, something you “need” to do but won’t necessarily come to fruition.
The third one is of utmost importance so pay attention. I see thousands of people using this command everyday thinking it works when it actually doesn’t. Neuro Linguistic programming used to state this could work but is just another self sabotage tactic.
That is the verb “to want”.
Every occasion you say you “want” to do something, you’re also making this passive command to your mind. It is but a wish and won’t necessarily happen.
So, from now on these words are forbidden. If you read my Medium, do not use “try”, “need” or “want”. Instead, I’ll give you this killer tip I only shared with my Entrepreneur Nation’ students until now.
Every time you think you’ll say “I’ll try”, “I need” or “I want”, you say “I WILL” instead.
You won’t “try” anymore, you won’t “need” to do nothing nor “want” anything. Starting this moment, you WILL do the things you want to do and you’re going to do them now!
I’m sure you liked this tips and I share many more over my Instagram profile so come to follow and be part of this ever growing group right now @instagram.com/dr.edelpontes/