Influence your Unconsciousness Positively
When you wish for something, to enterprise or to start out a new career, the individual often spends lots of energy and strength at the beginning of the project, believing this is the most productive way or the way for the best performance.
However, this energy is underutilized most of the time because you don’t get to see the bigger picture and because it takes time for an idea to grow and mature.
Every human being in its essence has the gift to enterprise and the obligation to develop his mission. For not being aware of the limiting beliefs, we lose opportunities and face challenges that rise along the way, we neglect or self-sabotage our projects for not having the knowledge of our own ego.
To enterprise is to test and to adapt. Is to make mistakes and learn with them so you can make it right at last. When you consider perfection as a synonym for excellency, you paralyse the real meaning of enterprising. You make a mistake born from not knowing your superego.
It is impossible to control our unconscious mind on a conscious level, however it is possible to influence it to the point of change by knowing it well. Our unconsciousness is responsible for effortlessly carrying out our daily activities such as talking, walking, eating, etc.
Its functions work the same when you are relaxed. The brain is stimulated through our eyes, ears and our other senses and our unconsciousness translates all that into imagens and words (LISBOA; GARATTONI, 2003).
When we learn how to talk in infancy, the process of acquiring that skill is unconscious. The individual decides what to speak, the unconsciousness chooses the words.
In the process of learning a new foreign language, in our adulthood, the procedure is different for our consciousness process the language and we are aware of the speaking construction.
When we read a book, our unconsciousness transforms words into ideas. These ideas are sent to our consciousness. The same is true for our everyday experiences, especially in childhood, when stories are created by conscious occurrences and are sent to the unconscious as beliefs.
Even when we change ourselves, the old beliefs are not removed, as if they were broken pieces, and replaced by better ones. Instead, the new beliefs take place beside those and they make us think and act differently the stronger they get with time (DWECK, 2016, p. 235).
Beliefs aside, the individual carries his values within.They exist and they need to be recognized so one can live a more prosperous life.